Consultant Ayurveda Onco Physician (Dept. of Shalya- Shalakya Tantra) at IIARH,Affiliated to Gujarat Ayurveda University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India. (2021-till date)
Technical :
Develop innovative ways using state of the art technology to reanalyze exciting data sets containing information on AgniKrama (Hyperthermia) i.e. Cauterization in Head and Neck cancer and “Matra Basti”in Pelvic Tumors of male and female.
The efficacy of mind-body techniques through Yoga and Medications on advanced cancer.
Post-operative rehabilitation in Breast cancer through Yogasanas.
Professional :
Provide Prophylactic, Palliative and Supportive treatment in all types of cancer.
A collaborative research project of the thesis work was done at Rajkot cancer hospital and research center, which give me best experience regarding cancer in all aspects viz. Surgery, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Brachy therapy and combined modality of the treatment, palliative and preventive oncology.
Professor- IIAR&H, affiliated with Guj. Ayu. Uni. Jamnagar.