Abhava negation,absence
Adharma Unsociable conduct
Ajiva non-eternal substance
Amhisa Non-violence
Anandamaya kosha Bliss sheath
Annamaya kosha Physical sheath
Anumana Knowledge derived by logical inference.
Anupalabdhi Non-perception
Aparatva Distant, inferior
Arsha period pre-Vedic period
Artha Money
Arthapati Knowledge derived by an inference used to account for an apparent inconsistency
Arya people living on the banks of Sindhu river
Asana Posture
Ashtang yoga Eight limbs of yoga
Asteya Freedom from hoarding
Avidya Ignorance
Bandha Bondage to karma
Basti Cleansing procedure of colon
Bhakti yoga Devotion, worship
Brahmacharya Celibacy
Brahman Ultimate truth, God
Buddha Enlightened one
Buddhi Intelligence
Dharana Concentration for meditation
Dharma Social conduct
Dhouti Cleansing the upper digestive tract with water or air
Dhyana Meditation for concentration
Dravatva Fluidity
Dravyaguna Science related with substance its quality and action
Dukha Pain, unhappiness, disease
Dwesha Hatred
Gandha Smell
Gurutva Heaviness
Hatha yoga Yoga practices for balancing Sun and Moon principles in body
Ichha Will
Ishvara-pranidhana Devotion to God
Janma Birth,
Jara Marana Old age, death
Jiva Soul of the individual, eternal thing
Jnyana yoga Right reasoning and inquiry
Kama Sensual pleasure
Kapalabhati Type of pranayama for clearing the upper respiratory tract
Karma Result of the past action
Karma yoga Selfless action, work
Kayachikitsa Inernal medicine
Kevala jnyana True nature of omniscience
Kundalini yoga to gain control over kundalini
Kundalini dormant power at the base of the spine according to science of yogaLokayata- restricted to the world of common man.
Manomaya kosha Mental sheath
Meemamsa philosophy of logic
Moksha Self realization
Naikantavada Law of uncertainty or all probabilities
Nama Rupa Mind \Body
Nauli Isolation of the rectus abdominus muscle to purify the region of samana Vata
Neti Cleansing the nasal passages with water or a waxed string
Nirjara Falling off karma
Nirvana Pure state of existence
Niyama Five physical rules
Nyaya philosophy by Gautama
Papa Sin, bad deed
Paratva Near, better
Parimana Measure
Pradnya Right knowledge
Prakriti Principle of material energy, constitution
Pramana proof
Pranayama Pause in inspiration and expiration, breathing practices
Pratyahara controllingthe sense organs
Pratyaksha Knowledge cognizable by sense organs and the mind
Pruthaktva Different
Punya Good deed
Purusha Cosmic consciousness
Raj yoga Controlling mind
Rasa Taste
Rasa shatra Science related with mercury and metals
Rupa Size and colour
Samadhi Right concentration
Samanya similarity, that increases
Samavaya inseparable relation
Samhita compendia, text book
Samskara To impart good qualities
Samvara Restriction to karma
Samyoga To unite, bring together
Sanatana dharma Religion in Vedas
Sankhya To count, philosophy by kapila
Sanskara Past, impressions
Santosha Contentment
Satya Truth
Satya buddhi Ultimate knowledge, truth
Saucha Purity
Shabda Sound, Knowledge conveyed by the words of an impartial authority
Shadayatana Six organs of cognition
Shalakya probe
Shalya Foreign body
Shalyashalakya tantra Branch dealing with surgery and disease above clavicle
Shila Right conduct
Siddha Medical system prevalent in south India
Sneha Love, oiliness
Sparsha Contact of senses with their objects
Sparsha Touch
Sukha Happiness, health
Svabhava Nature
Svadhyaya Self-observation through study of scripture
Tapas Self discipline
Tirthankara path finders in Jain
Tratak fixing the gaze to purify the eyes and lacteal ducts
Trushna Thirst for enjoyment
Unani Healing science from Arabic
Upadana Mental attachment
Upmana Knowledge derived by analogy
Vaisheshika philosophy by kanada
Vedana Previous experience of pain
Vedanta philosophy described in Vedas
Vibhaga To separate
Vidya knowledge
Vignyana Knowledge
Vijnyana Initial consciousness
Vijnyanamaya kosha Intelligence sheath
Vishesha dissimilarity, that decreases
Yajnya offering to Agni, fire
Yama Five mental restraints
Yoga To unite with Higher Soul